Student Property
Students are permitted to carry cell phones provided they remain “off” and stored in a non-visible place (backpack, purse, pocket) during normal school hours. The use of cell phones or any electronic signaling device is prohibited during school hours. Cell phone cameras are not to be used. Cell phones that are seen, heard or turned on during school hours will be confiscated and returned only to a parent/guardian on Friday after school in the Main Office. The school is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged cell phones.
Bicycles and skateboards must be walked on campus and be locked in the fenced bike/skateboard storage area before school begins. Students must provide their own locks. Bicycles must be registered in the Attendance Office. The school does not assume financial responsibility for loss or damage to personal property including bicycles and skateboards. Students are reminded to ride bicycles and skateboards safely and obey traffic laws.
Helmets must be worn by any student riding a bicycle or skateboard to Dana. Bicycles and skateboards will be confiscated from students not wearing helmets. Students will not be allowed to park bikes or skateboards on campus if they don’t have a helmet.
Personal items of value, iPods, etc. including expensive jewelry large sums of cash should not be brought to school since loss, theft, or damage is possible. Also, such items can be distracting to the educational process and may be confiscated by school personnel. Graffiti on backpacks, books, notebooks and other personal items is not permitted. Students are responsible for their personal belongings. The school and school district are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
Respect for school and personal property is mandatory. Students marking, damaging or vandalizing school property will be held responsible, and students and their parents will be required to pay restitution. Students will also be subject to disciplinary action including suspension and prosecution.