School Offices
Phone: 310-241-1102
The Principal’s Office is located in the Main Office. Messages or notes for the principal or teachers may be left with the office manager or in staff mailboxes.
Phone: 310-241-1107
The Student Support Services Center (SSSC) is responsible for student intervention, student support, peer to peer mediation, and personal counseling support. The Special Education Office is also located in the SSSC.
Phone: 310-241-1110
The Attendance Office is responsible for the following:
- Enrolling new students
- Readmitting students returning from an absence
- Tardies and Truancies
- Processing students arriving late or leaving early
- Health Office alternate in the absence of the nurse
Phone: 310-241-1109
- Students may request to see their counselor for the following reasons:
- Assistance in planning class schedules
- Assistance with educational and personal problems
- Career guidance
Phone: 310-241-1142
Students who appear to be in need of health care during school may be sent to the Health Office. Except in case of an emergency, all students must have a pass to go to the Health Office. Parents will be contacted by the school if a student is in need of home care or further medical attention. Students will be released only to people listed on the emergency card. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
- P. E. Excuses: Will be handled by the P. E. teacher for excuses up to three days. 4 days or more require a written note from the doctor. A student with a cast or crutches must bring a doctor’s note stating he/she may attend school with the cast or crutches.
- Medication at School: The health office does not carry any medication. If a student must take any medication during school hours the parent must supply the medication. The Health Office must be contacted for the proper forms. Medications, prescriptions, or over the counter medications are administered by the school only with written permission from the doctor. Students may not carry medication in their backpacks or pockets for any reason. This is against the school rules.
- Inhalers may be carried with a written note from a doctor on file in the Health Office.